Unit 7 – Interactive Media Jobs

I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Web designer/developer

The role of a Web designer in interactive media is to create and or code online websites. They are expected to design the websites in a suitable manner for whatever it is they are promoting in the website. They also focus on appealing to the target audience of the website they are designing. They need to be able to look at what they are designing their website for and be sure to recognise the target audience they are trying to draw in and that they can effectively do so. Enticing the right target audience is a key factor to concentrate on in any interactive media jobs because they need people interacting with their sites as it shows whether the is successful and therefore if it has been done well or not. Web designers can do this with how they design the website to look and how it is to be navigated. Plenty of things can be added and customised by using different tools to help show the audience a sense of professionalism. Depending on whether they are aiming to achieve a formal approach or the more fun and light-hearted. Tools and techniques they can use include text, layout, images, links, buttons and also the overall colour theme and style of the site they’re designing. A web developer focuses more on the core structure of a website such as the coding and the actual content such as applications and functionality of the website rather than the graphics and more creative aspects. Both roles are very similar and therefore require all the same duties.

Job Expectations

If they are working for a media team they are responsible for ensuring they’ve designed the website appropriately for what they have been set to create the online site for and that they are appealing to whoever their target audience is. There are many different requirements you would be expected to meet which would assure whether you are the role of a web designer or not. This includes things such as a high level of computer literacy, objectivity and the ability to see the bigger picture, creative problem-solving skills, good time management and a creative and imaginative mindset. A web developer requires things such as user experience and interface, virtual design and frontend and backend web programming languages coding languages including CCS and HTML All of these are essential requirements as web designing and developing.


The salary of a web designer/developer can range from £24K as a junior developer, the average salary of a web designer would be £48K and £73K as a senior backend developer. And 17K to 23K and an average of £36K as a web designer.


For the qualifications to become a web designer/developer there is no industry requirements in order to become a qualified web designer or developer, meaning you do not need a degree or a formal training. Although, you can take web degree courses, many choose to participate in online courses for this role or decide to teach themselves and learn at their own pace.

Examples of a web designers/developers end product:

20 Fantastic eCommerce Website Examples of Good Design

This is an example of a good end product from a web designer/developer, it’s a good example as it clearly shows different segments of the website making it easy for the audience to find what they’re looking for. This is important as it’s a online shopping website. It advertises many of the different sections that can be found on the website which is effective is at it demonstrates the wide range of products their website has to offer. It also in my opinion looks well-made as it’s organised and has a neat layout making it as easy as possible to navigate and understand given that this website includes so many different pages and a huge amount of content. It also has a simple colour theme which helps it look neat and professional as well as making all text and images clear to see.

17 Examples of Ugly Websites and How We Would Fix Them

This is a bad example of the end product from a web designer/developer. The reason for this is that in my opinion it immediately looks messy and unorganised, making it entirely displeasing to the eye. All of the images and texts seem to be all over the place and even overlap, showing no sense of order or professionalism whatsoever. There is no neat colour scheme and the texts are written in all different bright colours against an all black background, with some text being too small to even read. There is no clear layout making it very difficult for the viewers to understand where anything is as there are no clear separated sections.

Multimedia Artist

A multimedia artist or animator creates visual and special effects for media such as video games, movies and music videos as well as other forms of media. They can be self-employed or work with a team of people. Their end goal is to complete whatever project it is they’re working on by doing their part in creating visuals and animations using computer programmes.

Job Expectations

The duties of a multimedia artist include being able to use computer programmes to create graphics and animation, being able to work in a team to create a form of media whether it be a movie, a gamer or a general visual effect. As well as edit animation and effects on the basis of directors and whoever else it is they may be working with. They would also need to meet with clients, directors and others to discuss deadlines and development timelines. These are important as if you’re a multimedia artist for a company you are expected to be able to cooperate with a team as creating big forms of media such as movies and video games are very, long and complex processes which is why it requires such a large team of reliable people who are able to do their job.


You do not officially need to have any qualifications to pursue the career of a multimedia artist and can be self-employed in it, it is of course preferred by companies that they employ people who have already got some or a qualification as it is proof of previous experience. Any degree can be used as an entry for becoming a multimedia artist. However, companies in this industry would rather have people who have qualifications in fields such as 3D design, graphic design, multimedia technology and anything similar. The reason for this is because these qualifications hold a lot of the elements included in being a multimedia artist. Therefore, by having these qualifications demonstrates that you have experience with IT based creativity.


The average salary for a multimedia artist or animator in the UK can range from £23K to £26K.

An example of an illustration/graphic that can be created by a multimedia artist:

35 Examples of Mixed Media Art

Social Media Manager

A social media manager is someone who is in control of monitoring and executing the social media presence of someone else for them, it can be for a product, brand, corporation or just an individual person. They create and maintain brand promotions, important information and marketing campaigns for whoever it is they are managing social media for across different social media networks. Their aim is to build an online audience and keep ensuring that people online are consistently interacting with the social media accounts they are trying to build, across any social media platform, whoever their target audience may be. They can do this by focusing on whatever it is they’re promoting and using the insights of the account to see who the target audience is. They can then use that to use other techniques that would keep their target audience in particular interested depending on who they are managing the account for the target audience can be different. Meaning the techniques used to keep them interested will also differ.

Job Expectations

The expected skills for a social media manager include having wide knowledge of all mainstream social media platforms and social media enterprise, writing as all social media revolves around interaction to do with writing and conversation with features such as comments, post captures and status posts. Other things expected are also knowledge in traditional and digital marketing, creativity, organisation, data analysis skills and good communication skills.


You do not need any formal qualifications to become a social media manager, employers would rather you have qualifications which relate to the main aspects and skills needed in pursuing a career as a social media manager. Those are qualifications include advertising, digital marketing, media and others in the same field.


The salary of a social media manager in the UK can rage from £18K to £38K.

A good example of the end product from a social media manager would be any successful social media account that is successful and of course ran by a social media manager rather than just anyone.

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